Just moved to France, and I have only one year of middle school French under my belt. Up to now, Ive relied upon my not-so-little "pocket" dictionary, but its both too bulky to actually put in a pocket and lacking in what one really needs when learning a language, living here, traveling, etc.: those fine distinctions, subtle differences in meaning, and, most of all, lots and lots of examples.
So I knew I needed something else. I gulped very, very hard at the idea of spending so much, but I NEEDED it...
How has it turned out? How practical is it? Suffice it to say, Id pay twice as much if I had to. A great dictionary is indispensable when learning a language or living/traveling somewhere. And this is a great dictionary. Best of all, it fits in my pocket with ease.
Cardshark60 about Collins-Robert Concise, v1.4.1